
Kamingespräch "Wittgenstein und Wien", Podiumsdiskussion unter Leitung von Emil Brix, Direktor der Diplomatischen Akademie Wien, zusammen mit Georg Gaugusch, Genealoge, Wien, auf Einladung des Präsidenten des Nationalrates Wolfgang Sobotka. Eröffnungsworte von Wolfgang Sobotka. Veranstalter: Wolfgang Sobotka, Präsident des Nationalrates und Wittgenstein Initiative, Wien, Theophil Hansen | Lokal 3, Parlament Österreich, Dr.-Karl-Renner-Ring 3, 1017 Wien, Austria, 2 April 2024, 18:00 hrs.

„Lies as Play-acting: The Peculiarity of 'White Lies' in Wittgenstein's Work“, Wittgenstein on Lying – International Conference, 16-17 May 2024, Archives Henri-Poincaré (AHPReST), University of Lorraine, Nancy, France, 16 May 2024, 15:00 hrs.

„Wittgensteins Impact Upon Feyerabend in His Formative Years in Postwar Vienna: Feyerabend's Review of the Philosophical Investigations In Two Parts As a Possible Key“, Paul Feyerabend and Austrian Philosophy: His Formative Years in Postwar Vienna, International Conference, 5-6 July 2024, University of Vienna, Campus, Court 1, Spitalgasse 2, 1090 Vienna, Austria, 6 July, 12:05 hrs.

„Utopia Beyond Illusion: Possible Criteria for the Concept of Utopia in Political Philosophy“, 25th World Congress of Philosophy (WCP), Section 89 Utopia, chaired by Maurizio Cambi (Italy), Abel Kouvouama (Congo), Roberto Mordacci (Italy), Laura Tundo (Italy), and Hanan Yoran (Israel), 1-8 August 2024, Università degli studi di Roma - La Sapienza, Rome, Italy.

„Wittgenstein's Philosophy as a Way of Life", 25th World Congress of Philosophy (WCP). Round Table. Coordinator: Maria Venieri (Greece). Participants: Ulrich Arnswald, Vasso Kindi, Ilse Somavilla, Stelios Virvidakis, Maria Venieri, 1-8 August 2024, Università degli studi di Roma - La Sapienza, Rome, Italy.